No bullshit software development

We make good software, on time, for a reasonable price. That's it.

Get in touch

Functional programming, functional software

We leverage agile methodologies, statically typed purely functional programming languages and open source technology.
Don't know what any of that means? No worries: no matter the project, we deliver an easy to use, maintain and extend final product

Research and prototyping

Our consultants can guide you through research and analysis of any project ideas.
We also prototype your spec into a minimum viable product

Application development

Web, desktop or mobile - we build it!
Our experts can work on any side of the stack, or instead help with just that tricky final bit of your project

Consultancy and training

Want to make the jump to functional programming?
We got you covered: our team can assist with onboarding, training and code reviewing in Haskell, Agda or PureScript

Some of our projects


While rates can be discussed per project or scope, our pricing model is straightforward: 60 USD per hour.
Only hours directly spend on your project are billed

Get in touch

TypeStruck is a remote first company - we are glad to hear from you anywhere.
Use the form bellow, or email us at
